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2019. gada publikācijas

Zinātniskie raksti Scopus žurnālos

1.  Volodymyr Bulgakov, Simone Pascuzzi, Valerii Adamchuk, Semjons Ivanovs, Serhiy Pylypaka. A theoretical study of the limit path of the movement of a layer of soil along the plough mouldboard. Soil & Tillage Research. Vol.195 (2019), Article 104406 (Cite Score 2018= 0.98, SJR2018=0.315, Snip2018=0.986, Cite Score rank=99%)

2.  Volodymyr Bulgakov, Simone Pascuzzi, Hristo Beloev, Semjons Ivanovs. Theoretical investigations of the headland turning agility of a trailed asymmetric implement-and-tractor aggregate. Agriculture. Vol. 9(10) (2019), article 224 (Cite Score 2018= 2.04, SJR2018=0.424, Snip2018=1.272, Cite Score rank=77%)

3.  Volodymyr Bulgakov, Semjons Ivanovs, Igor Safchenko, Andrii Boris, Petro Rychlivskyj Theoretical research of the design and technological parameters of a device for lifting of deep-seated table root crops / Acta Technologica Agriculturae. Vol. 22(3) (2019), p. 99-103. (Cite Score 2018= 5.24, SJR2018=1.898, Snip2018=2.178, Cite Score rank=52%)

4.  Volodymyr Bulgakov, Semjons Ivanovs, Valerii Adamchuk, Roman Antoshchenkov. Investigations of the dynamics of a four-element machine-and-tractor aggregate. Acta Technologica Agriculturae. Vol.22(4) (2019), p. 146–151. (Cite Score 2018= 5.24, SJR2018=1.898, Snip2018=2.178, Cite Score rank=52%)

5.  V. Adamchuk , V. Bulgakov, S. Ivanovs, V. Prysyazhnyi, A. Borys. Experimental research of Miscanthus planting technological process by means of upgraded potato planter = Експериментальне дослідження технологічного процесу садіння Міскантуса за допомогою картоплесаджалки. INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Vol. 57(1) (2019), p. 173-178. (Cite Score 2018= 0.48, SJR2018=0.219, Snip2018=0.584, Cite Score rank=36%)

6.  V. Bulgakov, H. Kaletnik, I. Goncharuk, S. Ivanovs, M. Usenko. Results of experimental investigations of a flexible active harrow with loosening teeth. Agronomy Research. Vol. 17(5) (2019), 1839.–1845.lpp. (Cite Score 2018= 0.72, SJR2018=0.267, Snip2018=0.512, Cite Score rank=39%)

7.  I.Sivicka, A. Adamovics, S. Ivanovs, E. Osinska. Some morphological and chemical characteristics of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) in Latvia. Agronomy Research. Vol. 17(5) (2019), 2064.–2070.lpp. (Cite Score 2018= 0.72, SJR2018=0.267, Snip2018=0.512, Cite Score rank=39%)

8.  Adamovics, R. Platace, S. Ivanovs, I. Gulbe. The efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer on the dry matter yield of tall fescue and festulolium grown as feedstock for combustion. Agronomy Research. Vol. 17(6) (2019), 2146.–2157.lpp. (Cite Score 2018= 0.72, SJR2018=0.267, Snip2018=0.512, Cite Score rank=39%)

9.  Arak M.,Bulgakov V., Ivanovs S., Olt J. Theoretical research of force interaction of a flexible cleaning blade with a beet root head. Agronomy Research, 2019, 17(4), 1547-1559/

10. Grotkiewicz, K, Ivanovs S. Structure and level of investment expenditures and the work efficiency in agricultural activities in the Małopolskie province. E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 132 (2019), Art. no. 0100422 (Cite Score 2018= 0.52, SJR2018=1.174, Snip2018=0.575, Cite Score rank=34%)

11.  V. Bulgakov, H. Kaletnik, T. Goncharuk, A. Rucins, I. Dukulis, S. Pascuzzi. Research of the movement of agricultural aggregates using the methods of the movement stability theory // Agronomy Research. Vol.17(5) (2019) p. 1846–1860.

12.  Bulgakov V., Ivanovs S., Pascuzzi S., Boris А., Ihnatiev Ye. A mathematical model of the cutting process of the sugar beet leafy tops without a tracer. INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Vol. 57(3) (2019), p.33-40.  (Cite Score 2018= 0.48, SJR2018=0.219, Snip2018=0.584, Cite Score rank=36%)

13.  Bulgakov, V., Nadykto, V., Kyurchev, S., Nesvidomin, V, Ivanovs, S, Olt, J. Theoretical background for increasing grip properties of wheeled tractors based on their rational ballasting Agraarteadus, Volume 30, Issue 2, 2019, pp. 78-84

Zinātniskie raksti konferenču rakstu krājumos Scopus

1.  Aleksandrs Adamovics, Rasma Platace, Aivars Kakitis, Semjons Ivanovs A. Evaluation of combustion properties of biomass fuel / 18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Jelgava, 2019. Vol. 18, p. 1523-1528.

2.  Volodymyr Bulgakov, Anastasiya Kutsenko, Semjons Ivanovs, Simone Pascuzzi. Study on propagation regularity of harmonic waves in periodic structures of beams / // 18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Jelgava, 2019. Vol. 18, p. 1053-1058.

3.  Volodymyr Bulgakov, Valerii Adamchuk, Semjons Ivanovs, Hryhorij Kaletnik . Experimental investigation of technical and operational indices of asymmetric swath reaper machine-and-tractor aggregate / // 18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Jelgava, 2019. Vol. 18, p. 256-263.

4.  Volodymyr Bulgakov, Simone Pascuzzi, Semjons Ivanovs, Volodymyr Volskyi. Experimental investigations in draft resistance of spherical working tool of disk harrow / // 18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Jelgava, 2019. Vol. 18, p. 144-152.

5.  Volodymyr Bulgakov, Volodymyr Nadykto, Semjons Ivanovs, Janusz Nowak. Research of variants to improve steerability of movement of trailed asymmetric harvesting aggregate / // 18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Jelgava, 2019. Vol. 18, p. 136-143.

6.  Volodymyr Bulgakov, Semjons Ivanovs, Francesco Santoro, Alexandros Sotirios Anifantis . Experimental investigation of the energy-power characteristics of the cleaner of the root crop heads from the haulm / // 18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Jelgava, 2019. Vol. 18, p. 129-135.

7.  Peter Savinyh, Vladimir Kazakov, Alexander Moshonkin, Semjons Ivanovs. Investigations in feeding device of grain crusher // 18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Jelgava, 2019. Vol. 18, p. 123-128.

8.  Vladimir Shakhov, Semjons Ivanovs, Pavel Uchkin, Yuriy Ushakov. Studies in coatings for working bodies of deep-rippers recovered by plasma surfacing / 18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Jelgava, 2019. Vol. 18, p. 44-49.

9.  Valentyna Krutyakova, Volodymyr Bulgakov, Volodymyr Belchenko, Adolfs Rucins. Investigation of mechanical method of trichogram dispersal // 18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Jelgava, 2019. Vol. 18, p. 247-255

10. Pelece, I., Ziemelis, I., Putans, H., Snegovs, A. Improvement of efficiency of PV panels for water heating by changing heater resistance.  Engineering for Rural Development 18, 2019,  pp. 1430-1434

11. Zagorska, V., Snegovs, A., Putans, H., Ziemelis, I. Improvement of efficiency of PV panels for water heating by changing heater resistance . Engineering for Rural Development 18, 2019, pp. 1430-1434

12. Snegovs, A., Putans, H., Kancevica, L., Ziemelis, I.  Development of solar panels tracker sensor.  Engineering for Rural Development 18,  2019, pp. 1581-1586

13. Jasinskas, A., Banioniene, V., Jotautiene, E., Ziemelis, I. Investigation of black poplar (Populus nigra L.) preparation and utilization for energy conversion . Engineering for Rural Development 18, 2019,pp. 1540-1545

14. Valentina Krutiakova, Igor Bespalov, Volodymyr Bulgakov, Dainis Viesturs. Engineering design of industrial production of golden-eyed lacewings (Chrysoperla carnea steph L.) in programs of biological protection of plants/ 18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Jelgava, 2019. Vol. 18, p. 278-283.

Citas zinātniskās publikācijas:

1.   Volodymyr Bulgakov, Semjons Ivanovs, Simone Pascuzzi, Francesco Santoro, Alexandros Sotirios Anifantis, Valerii Adamchuk, Vasyl Gorobey. Theoretical substantiation of the parameters of a combined coulter of the grain drill /. Lublin, Poland (Polija) : Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy "Spatium", 2019. 6 lpp.

2.  Semjons Ivanovs, Volodymyr Bulgakov, Valerii Adamchuk, Volodymyr Kolodiichuk, Vasyl Dmytriv. Unification of technological parameters of grain logistics in corporations / Lublin, Poland (Polija): Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy "Spatium", 2019. 6 lpp.

3.  Aleksandrs M. Adamovics, Semjons A. Ivanovs, Vilis S. Dubrovskis . Methane production from industrial hemp = Производство метана из промышленной конопли /  Сельскохозяйственные машины и технологии. Том 13(2) (2019), 20.-26.lpp.


1.  Sivicka, A. Adamovics, S. Ivanovs, E. Osinska. Some morphological and chemical characteristics of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) in Latvia /10th International Conference on Biosystems Engineering 2019 : book of abstracts, Tartu, Estonia, 8-10 May / Estonian University of Life Sciences Tartu, 2019. P. 200.

2.  Ivars Auce, Agris Auce, Aivars Jermušs, Semjons Ivanovs, Ādolfs Ruciņš. Tomato drying dynamics study for increased energy efficiency in agricultural production = Enerģijas efektivitāte lauksaimniecības produktu žāvēšanā/ Latvijas Universitātes 77. starptautiskā konference. Ķīmijas sekcija : tēžu krājums, Rīga, Latvija, 8. februāris, 2019 / Latvijas Universitāte. Rīga, 2019. 8.lpp. ISBN 9789934183997.

3.  Adamovics, R. Platace, S. Ivanovs, I. Gulbe. The efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer on the dry matter yield of tall fescue and festulolium grown as feedstock for combustion / 10th International Conference on Biosystems Engineering 2019 : book of abstracts, Tartu, Estonia, 8-10 May / Estonian University of Life Sciences Tartu, 2019. P. 18.

4.  V. Bulgakov, H. Kaletnik, T. Goncharuk, A. Rucins, I. Dukulis. Theoretical investigation of the movement stability of agricultural machines and machine aggregates / 10th International Conference on Biosystems Engineering 2019: book of abstracts, Tartu, Estonia, 8-10 May / Estonian University of Life Sciences Tartu, 2019. P. 26.

Zinātniski populāra publikācija

1.  Dainis Viesturs, Nikolajs  Kopiks, Armands Binovskis. Saimniecību kombainu parka raksturojums. Žurnāls “Saimnieks”  Nr.12(174) (2019), 54.-55.lpp. ISSN 1691-1598.